Monday, May 26, 2014

Farming everyday here on The Flowing River farm inc. My husband and sons have been getting up at 5 am to plant all our plantains. He is in pain by the time he is done because of his bad back but he takes his meds, gets a nice rub down and does it again the next morning. I hope we will be finished planting no later then Friday. The land was cleared last month and we purchased the seeds about a week or two later because we had a small drought and then lots of rain. So we waited so the seeds wouldn't rot. So far so good. We bought and put up surveillance cameras to further secure the farm and our equipment. We bought a farm pick up truck but it still has to be put on the road. I can't wait to go to the nurseries in it and pick out some really great things to plant. everything in it's time. We haven't been able to post a good farm video our camera is not working. But I did set up our YouTube page. It is Memorial day and the kick off for summer. I am looking forward to a great summer this year.

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